About Us

Quakers believe in that of God in everyone. 

The focus of our faith is in our Meeting for Worship.

In the silence we feel drawn towards each other and towards God.

Our meetings are open to everyone and we ask nothing more of you than to sit with us. You will be most welcome.

Our first 'Advice' sums up our approach:

Take heed , dear Friends, to the promptings of love and truth in your hearts.Trust them as the leadings of God whose light shows us our darkness and brings us to new life.

These time honoured words still inspire us today.. 

The example of the life and teachings of Jesus has traditionally helped guide us to the  Light, which is how some Quakers prefer to describe God.

But Quakerism does not rely on priests, liturgy, physical sacraments or sacred buildings. It is much more a way of life.